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Nineteen Predictions for 2019

Our predictions for 2018 were by no means perfect, but we did get some things right. Economic...

Wavelength Insights: A Crisis in the Making - Liquidity in the Bond Market

After a decade of central bank policies pumping liquidity into markets, many investors have come to...

Thinking Ahead: The Future of Market Efficiency

Amidst the recent uptick in volatility, an important question resurfaced: are markets efficient?...

Sixteen Predictions for 2016

We believe a key investment principle is to avoid situations where you have less than a 50% chance...

Thinking Ahead: The Future Path of Interest Rates - An Economic Guide to Yield

On December 16, 2008, in the closing act of a 30-year bull market in bonds, the Federal Reserve’s...

Wavelength Insights: 3 Easy Lessons for Millenial's to Retire a Millonaire

The message from many financial advisers is that to be successful, investing must be complicated....

Wavelength Insights: Market Typhoon - The overlooked input that may lead to China's continued devaluation

For 30 years the Chinese economy enjoyed a 10% growth rate that resulted in, as some predicted, the...

Wavelength Insights: Bond Markets Are Full of Surprises

“Forecasts may tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.”   

Thinking Ahead: Artificial Intelligence for Investing

On May 10, 2015, the Wall Street Journal featured an article with a title posing the question, ...

Thinking Ahead: Liquidity in Fixed Income Markets - A Changing Landscape

Liquidity in markets has always been a moving target. The willingness of people to buy and sell is...

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